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学生レポ5日目:R-STEPプログラム <嵐山デイトリップ・和太鼓・寺子屋写経・天龍寺・大覚寺>【R-Globe】

2023年12月5日(火)から15日(金)まで、海外協定校の学生を対象に、短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program)」を開催しています。今回は3ヶ国から10名の学生が参加。12月9日(土)プログラム5日目は、嵐山へのデイトリップです。Ryukoku Student Buddies(龍谷大学生バディ)とともにフィールドトリップで和太鼓体験、寺子屋写経を行った後、天龍寺、大覚寺、嵐山竹林などへ行きました。

On the 9th of December, we decided to go to the Arashiyama Area. After we met in front of the main gate of the Ryukoku University and travelled some distance, we arrived at our first destination. In my opinion, the taiko experience which we gained was the most interesting part of the day. I had lots of fun while drumming in the rhythm and enjoyed the shamisen performance held afterwards.
Our next stop was the Daikakuji Temple. Unfortunately, some of the most interesting parts were in a no-picture zone, but the view was still worth going there. We also had a chance to write our prayers on a special piece of paper during the sutra experience in this temple, which was a bit challenging.
Afterall, it was no ordinary pen, I felt like a calligrapher at that moment. After our second event ended, we took a taxi and went to the city, where we had some free time.
Me and my friend decided to get something to eat. The food was tasty, but we didn’t have much time before going to the next destination. Tenryuji Temple was enormous and beautiful. I was really amazed by the way in which human civilization and nature existed in harmony here. The cherry on top was the Bamboo Grove, which was astonishingly enormous.
After that we got back to the dormitory, and I believe that all of us were somehow tired. Despite that, we still managed to get some ramen afterwards. But even though I said, my favourite part was the musical taiko experience, I enjoyed every minute of the day.

