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学生レポ7日目:R-STEPプログラム <上生菓子作り体験、南禅寺、永観堂>【R-Globe】

2023年12月5日(火)から15日(金)まで、海外協定校の学生を対象に、短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program)」を開催しています。今回は3ヶ国から10名の学生が参加。12月12日(火)プログラム7日目は、午前中に「Japanese Launguage」「Buddhist Thought」の講義を受けた後、Ryukoku Student Buddies(龍谷大学生バディ)とともにフィールドトリップで上生菓子作り体験を行った後、南禅寺、永観堂へ行きました。


After one class of Japanese language and one of buddhist thought we had a quick lunch to get prepared for the Japanese Traditional Confectionery Experience at Machiya Campus, which is quite close to our University.
I had already tried this kind of experience some years ago in Thailand but this time it was way more exciting because there was a real Japanese master to teach us how to knead and shape the rice paste.
After that, we took a train leading to Ginkakuji area where we visited the Eikando and the Nanzenji temple, where at the end of the trip we took a lot of photos.
Despite the long walk and the annoying weather, to me the Eikando, with its maples, kois and wooden construction, has been one of the most beautiful temples we have seen during this program. From the pagoda on the top of the hill there was such a great view of the cityscape. The Eikando also hosts the only Buddha statue in the world who doesn’t look ahead but at his left side, since there are various theories, he is probably looking for those who have not reached enlightenment yet.
After visiting this temple and after taking a lot of photos we had coffee time and then we splitted into two groups: someone led back home and someone went out for dinner, eating sushi in Kyoto.
It has been one of the most exciting days of this program and I will never be grateful enough to R-STEP staff for the opportunity they gave us to discover Kyoto so deeply.



