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書道を通したDallas Asian American Youth Orchestra(アメリカ)との交流【R-Globe】

*English below
6月12日(水)、6月13日(木)の2日間、Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra(以下DAAYO)という音楽団体を迎え、深草キャンパスにて本学の学生との交流を行いました。

DAAYOと本学吹奏楽部とのジョイントコンサートの前には、本学の学生団体「龍谷大学アドミッションサポーター(通称アドサポ)」が英語でキャンパスツアーを行いました。 本学生にとって、英語によるキャンパスツアーは初挑戦!グローバル教育推進センター事務部のアメリカ人スタッフから指導を受けて原稿を考え、練習を重ねていました。

ジョイントコンサート後にはDAAYOの保護者を含む参加者全員での交流会を、本学の3号館地下食堂(深草キャンパス)で行いました。 本学学生有志が司会となって、○×クイズ(True or Falseゲーム)などを行い、各テーブル一丸となって問題に取り組みました。正解チームがもらえる人気アニメのシールに飛び跳ねて喜ぶDAAYOの団員の姿も。この交流会の為に用意された食事も、参加者全員で楽しみました。

6月13日(木)には、龍谷大学書道部蟠龍會の学生たちの協力で、書道イベントを本学の成就館Live Theater(深草キャンパス)で開催しました。



Exchange with Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra (USA) through Calligraphy  [R-Globe]

On June 12th (Wednesday) and June 13th (Thursday), we welcomed the Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra (DAAYO) to Fukakusa Campus for intercultural exchange with our students.
Before holding a joint concert with DAAYO and the Ryukoku University Symphonic Band, our student group, “Ryukoku University Admission Supporters” (commonly known as “Ad-Sapo”), conducted a campus tour in English. For our students, this was their first attempt at an English-language campus tour! With guidance from the U.S. American staff of the Center for the Promotion of Global Education, they came up with a draft and practiced it over and over.
After the concert, a social gathering with all participants, including DAAYO’s accompanying parents and guardians, was held in the Building 3 basement cafeteria on Fukakusa Campus. During the event, Ryukoku University students served as MCs and organized a True or False quiz game, during which each table worked together as a team to solve the problems. Some DAAYO members jumped for joy at receiving stickers of popular cartoons as prizes for correct answers. All participants also enjoyed the meal prepared for this special social event.
On June 13th (Thursday), Banryukai (Ryukoku University’s calligraphy club), hosted a hands-on event at the Live Theater within our Jojukan Building. Using videos created by our students, we demonstrated the basics of both brush strokes and writing techniques, providing personal guidance by some Japanese students stationed at each table to support the DAAYO students.
After practicing for some time, the event participants used calligraphy pens to write the character “和” (harmony) on special paper. We hope that these personal creations will remain as wonderful souvenirs for the DAAYO members.

We received feedback from the DAAYO members that it was their very first time to try calligraphy, that they found it a bit difficult but had fun doing it, and that they were able to create wonderful memories. Also, we were very happy to hear that they were impressed by Ryukoku University’s hospitality.