学生レポ4日目:R-STEPプログラム <着物で日本舞踊体験、金継ぎ、伏見稲荷大社>【R-Globe】
2024年7月2日(火)から13日(土)まで、海外協定校の学生を対象に、短期留学プログラム「R-STEP(Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program)」を開催しています。今回は7ヶ国から19名の学生が参加。7月5日(金)プログラム4日目は、午前は龍谷大学で授業を受けました。午後からは本学のR-STEP学生バディとともに金継ぎを体験し、着物を着て日本舞踊体験、その後伏見稲荷大社へ行きました。
Day 4 of the R-STEP (Ryukoku Short-Term Experience Program) On July 5th, we had an incredible morning session, Japanese Diplomacy and Buddhist Thought in Ryukoku University. In the afternoon, we had an amazing experience learning traditional Japanese dance with Ryukoku Student Buddies. It was challenging but turned out to be a fantastic experience for all the international students.
The highlight of the day was walking to the top of the mountain while wearing a kimono. Although my feet and legs were really hurting by the end, the experience was unforgettable. We concluded the day with a field trip to Fushimi Inari Shrine and took lots of photos! A day full of cultural insights and fun!