• 日本の大学で実施されたテレコラボレーションプログラムにおける学習者の社会生活
発表者:尾藤 文香
• L2ライティングの探求:学生と教師による意味の共創
発表者:人見 麻紀
• 日本の大学生の英語スピーキング態度に影響を与える要因
発表者:近藤 佑樹
• 未来を形作る:21世紀の言語教師アイデンティティ
発表者:ナール マシュー
• ウクライナ人学生と日本人教授のデュオエスノグラフィー
発表者:オレクシューク オクソラーナ
• 日本の小学校における外国語指導助手(ALT)の役割:新しい学習指導要領
発表者:鈴木 クリステル
Graduate Student Showcase for Ryukoku University
Ryukoku University’s Graduate School held its inaugural showcase at the 50th Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) International Conference, which took place from November 15 to 18, 2024, at the Shizuoka Granship in Shizuoka, Japan. This showcase accentuated the innovative research and diverse perspectives of our graduate students—thereby offering valuable insights into language education and learning in today’s world.
The Ryukoku University Graduate Student Showcase was held on November 16, from 17:50 to 19:20, and featured the following presentations:
• Learners’ Social Lives in a Telecollaboration Program Implemented in the Japanese University
Presented by Ayaka Bito
• Exploring L2 Writing: Students and Teachers as Co-constructors of Meaning
Presented by Maki Hitomi
• Factors Affecting English-Speaking Attitudes of Japanese University Students
Presented by Yuki Kondo
• Shaping the Future: Language Teacher Identity in the 21st Century
Presented by Matthew Nall
• A Duoethnography of a Ukrainian Student and a Japanese Professor
Presented by Kviat Oleksandra
• Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) Roles in Japan’s Elementary Schools: New Course of Study
Presented by Krystle Suzuki
Conference participants and those interested in language education engaged with our presenters and explored the inspiring work of Ryukoku University’s graduate students. The event celebrated their contributions to the future of language teaching and research.