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(Announcement) Provision of a new library service based on web application [for our students and faculty members]

 To avoid COVID-19 infection risk, we have restricted entry to our campus and closed our Library. However, to enable students to use materials owned by our Library, we have decided to provide a book lending service upon web application, and a photocopy service for journals and papers, etc. as stated below. For all necessary information, such as the start day for providing these services (scheduled to be provided from May 11) and the application method, we will issue a further notification as soon as preparations for these services are completed.


[Mailing service]

① Accept reservations for books and lend them by mail.

②Accept requests for the photocopying of journals and papers, etc., and send these copies by mail.

* “No. of books” indicates the total number of books for three mails, regardless of the actual number of books being currently used.


[Reserve services]

③ Accept reservations for books, and lend them and receive returned books at the reading counter.

④ Enable students to reserve journals and papers, etc. at the reading counter, and to photocopy them using a dedicated copy machine.

* For those who wish to use a reserve service, please come to the counter after confirming that you do not have a fever or any other problem with your physical condition.