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龍谷大学からは、浜井浩一教授(本学法学部、犯罪学研究センター「政策評価」ユニット長、矯正・保護総合センター長)と、法学部・浜井ゼミ生を中心とした学生5名が参加しました。グランドバレー州立大学からは、15名の学生とJohn Walsh教授、Naoki Kanaboshi(金星直規)准教授が参加しました。両校の学生の理解を補助するために金星准教授には通訳を担当していただきました。そして、特別ゲストとして当センターの嘱託研究員であるASIF Hadas氏(イスラエル/テレアビブ治安判事裁判所・主席判事)が参加しました。


ASIF Hadasa氏(イスラエル/テレアビブ治安判事裁判所・主席判事、犯罪学研究センター嘱託研究員)



今回のイベントでは、HUNT Adam James氏(英国 シェフィールド大学大学院法学研究科・博士課程、犯罪学研究センター嘱託研究員)*2が、龍谷大学の学生らの英語発表に際して、準備の段階からサポートしました。以下では、ハント氏によるイベント参観レポートを紹介します。

HUNT Adam James 氏(英国 シェフィールド大学大学院法学研究科・博士課程、龍谷大学犯罪学研究センター嘱託研究員)





グランドバレー州立大学の学生たちは、日本の文化的特徴について考え、否定的な状況を回避する「Kimochi Shugi:気持ち主義」を提起しました。失敗を回避する社会がもたらす影響について、学生たちは日本側の学生と同じような議論を展開しました。そして、日本における権威の尊重が提起されました。日本社会がどのように責任を共有する環境を維持しているかを説明するために、「名誉」と「家族」というキーワードが使われました。









My name is Adam Hunt, I’m from the University of Sheffield and was kindly asked to moderate for a joint research event between Ryukoku University and Grand Valley State University. I was joined as a moderator for this event. And Associate Prof Kanaboshi pivotally provided translations. We luckily had an attendance of visiting scholar, Ms. Asif HADASA, a senior judge of the State of Israel.
The event featured presentations on the low crime rate in Japan, inviting both parties to present what they feel are important factors related to this topic.
Ryukoku’s students began with an interesting note on the gun control laws in Japan. They explained that the strict level of control over guns and high volume of procedures in comparison to America provided an environment in which guns are not common in the population.
They theorised that this low level of gun use generated less gun related crimes, and situations that normally involved guns in America (acts of mass violence), had different means. In addition, the limited use case of guns as hunting tools and the required procedure outside of that use case (locking cabinets) further reduce the visibility of guns. To the point that political discussion of guns is limited.
As part of this discussion the students brought up painful recent events for both countries, thus showing a commitment to keeping the conversation honest, frank and true to the academic spirt.
The second part of the presentation involved a model of factors that contribute to harmony in Japan.  
They began with an interesting note about the practical structure of society in Japan, the frequency of natural disasters (earthquakes and tsunami’s) generating an ingrained cultural spirit of co-operation.
It is interesting to think about how the recent and aggressive expansion of America has shaped its value system in contrast to Japan’s long, isolated and refined cultural practice.  
The students then went on to discuss the level of strictness inside Japanese life. Arguing that social spaces (such as the work place, in public or at home) maintained an evaluation culture. For example, companies in Japan demand very specific behaviours of their staff, bowing, formality, respect of higher ups. As such, people operate in such an environment to avoid failure and the consequences of doing something “wrong.”
This was theorised to affect the individual by conditioning them away from failure actions.
Unfortunately, the students were unable to mention the conditions of Japanese schooling given the time constraints. Which I know they wanted to include from my conversations with the students prior to the event. Interestingly, however, this was brought up as a point by the Grand Valley students.
Personally, I find it interesting to consider the re-enforcing effect of cultural ideology when it manifests into practical reality. Japanese culture is re-produced and refined in its schooling. A critical and simple point of society often overlooked noted by these students.
Following this, very interestingly, the students noted the effect of these conditions. ‘Prevention focus’ which is the culturally fostered aversion to failure and deviance in behaviour. And ‘Success Focus’ an ignorance (and arguable fostering) of failure as a way to priorities individual and group successes.
Finally, the students made some interesting points about collectivism. Noting that Japanese culture facilitates cooperation in ideological preference for other members of their group, and by the practical conditions of Japan that make co-operation the goal.
The grand valley students then gave their own presentation.
The students first considered the cultural character of Japan, raising the consideration of kimochi shugi, the avoidance of negative situations. Mirroring the previous presentation, the students made similar arguments as to the effect of a society with failure avoidance built into its structure and ideologies.
The respect for authority in Japan was then raised. Honor and the family were used to explain the how Japanese society maintains an environment in which there is a level of shared responsibility.
The students then moved on to talk about Japanese criminal justice practice.
They discussed the way police in Japan have been integrated into communities via Kohban, buildings designed to match their environment. And the consequence this community policing has had on people’s desire to adherence to the law.
They then moved on to explain the conviction rate of the Japanese courts, identifying the potential effect stemming from limited prosecution. An interesting take on what is commonly considered a negative aspect of Japanese criminal justice, to cite the positive effect on those people that are not provided entrance into the criminal justice system in Japan.
Prof Walsh provided his comments after both presentations.
He talked about his experience as an ex-police officer, and his belief that a low crime rate was routed in healthy communities, with high quality healthcare, prisons and policing being critical when they effect their communities with a co-operative spirit.
Finally, Prof Hamai gave his own presentation on the low crime rate.
This presentation made heavy use of statistical data to examine the question of low crime from many different perspectives. Identifying just how complicated this topic is. A fascinating explanatory factor provided was the declining youth population. With less youth, there is less youth crime which is well known to account for the largest proportion of crime.
I found it remarkable to consider how a declining population state interacts with the crime rate, on more levels than just the direct connection to youth crime. The social effect on competition for young people, and the more focused support to lower volumes of children are factors that I would happily like to hear more on.
Overall, this event provided an interesting platform for discussion across the two schools. I’m looking forward to more engaging critical discussions from these young scholars in the future.

Q and A followed the presentation, I’ll note some of the interesting questions.
Grand Valley students: what do you think is the most important factor?
Ryukoku Students: We think the preventative focus is the most important.
Grand Valley students: do you think more guns in Japan would raise the crime rate.
Ryukoku Students: no but I think it might increase the suicide rate. Given the amount of police suicides using firearms in Japan (Japanese police officers carry guns, thus have ready access).
An interesting thought prompted by this question, is to what extent would Japanese culture and society be effected by an increase of guns in the population? Overall, there was an agreement in the room that more guns would not immediately generate more crime. But the discussion left me thinking about the long-term effects of such drastic change in regulation.
And interesting question was raised by visiting scholar: are police respected in your country?
A Grand Valley student cited his desire to enter the police force in America, and the negative reaction of his family and friends. He noted himself that the police force in America was in need of some level of change, and wanted to effect that from within. But challenged the overwhelming negative perception, noting the media obsession with showing the “bad apples” of the force.
A Ryukoku student replied with her own ambition to become a police officer. And how she had been met with encouragement her entire life.
The honest and heartful answers were inspiring and met with a round of applause each. The ability of the students to be vulnerable and provide their own experience was great to see.
I also asked a question: did you find any similarities between Japan and America in your research process.
I found the response pleasing, the Grand Valley students noted in their research process they wanted to avoid direct comparison. Which is always tempting when looking at another culture. Comparative research is always a delicate endeavour. Instead, they had focused on understanding the conditions of Japan without considering their own to any significant extent.


*1.    グランドバレー州立大学は米国のミシガン州で2番目に大きな総合大学です。同大学の犯罪学・刑事司法・法学部(School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies)は、犯罪学や法学のみならず日本の警察学校に相当するコースを開設するなど、実務家養成に大きく寄与しています。

*2 【関連記事】第34回CrimRC(犯罪学研究センター)公開研究会を開催【犯罪学研究センター】

*3.    年齢犯罪曲線:ある年に出生した者等、特定の集団における非行・犯罪の発生率や発生頻度を縦軸に、年齢を横軸にプロットしたグラフのこと。このグラフから「非行・犯罪を行う者の率はおおむね10代前半から増加し始め10代半ばから後半にかけてピークを迎え、その後急激に減少していく」という傾向がわかる。この傾向は、時代・地域・人種などによってほとんど左右されない普遍性をもつものとして注目されている。
小板清文「年齢犯罪曲線から見た非行と犯罪」、『徳島文理大学研究紀要』98巻(2019年)21〜33頁 >>リンク(J-stage)
法務総合研究所「青少年の立ち直り(デシスタンス)に関する研究」、『法務総合研究所研究部報告』58、(2018年) (法務省)