The Graduate School of Letters, consisting of the nine departments of Shin Buddhism, Buddhist Studies, Philosophy, Education, Clinical Psychology, Japanese History, Asian History, Japanese Language/Literature, and English Language and English/American Literature, conducts distinctive educational and research activities based on the Educational Philosophy and Objectives set forth by each department, with “words” as the bond.
In terms of international exchange, while accepting a large number of international students, the Graduate School sends students to partner universities abroad through the exchange program. It also provides exchange lectures with the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) in the United States and Dongguk University in Korea. Primarily the Department of Shin Buddhism and the Department of Buddhist Studies offer programs using the University’s North American base (RUBeC) and training programs to learn about the reality of missionary work in the Mission of Hawaii at Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin and other locations. Through these efforts, the Graduate School responds to the globalization of knowledge and contributes to the training of advanced professionals.
In terms of inter-university exchange, as a member of the Kyoto Graduate Union of Religious Studies (K-GURS), which consists of nine graduate schools and one faculty of eight universities in Kyoto and the Kinki region, the Graduate School has introduced a unit exchange system that allows students to take religion-related courses at member universities. It is also actively engaged in inter-university research collaborations.
The Omiya Library, which houses cultural properties and classic books, provides an excellent research environment for direct access to Japanese classics.
Research results from the Buddhist-related research center attached to the university are being applied to graduate education.
The program offers detailed guidance from instructors with extensive real-world experience, as well as practical training at on-campus training facilities.