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Graduate School of Practical Shin Buddhist Studies

Graduate School of Practical Shin Buddhist Studies Graduate School of Practical Shin Buddhist Studies


1. Promoting comprehensive and interdisciplinary research that integrates theoretical research and clinical practice

The Graduate School promotes comprehensive and interdisciplinary research that integrates theoretical studies on diverse academic fields related to religious practice and social practice with clinical practice programs customized to meet the needs of the students.

2. Developing balanced individuals in the fields of both religious practice and social practice

1. In the religious practice field, the Graduate School aims to develop individuals who, based on a deep understanding of Shin Buddhism and Buddhist thought, are capable of managing temples and religious institutions as religious practitioners attending to people’s suffering and grief.

2. In the social practice field, the Graduate School aims to develop religious leaders who can confidently and proactively contribute to society with knowledge from a broad interdisciplinary perspective in order to respond to today’s increasingly diverse society.

3. Programs allowing acquisition of qualifications

1. In the religious practice field, students can take courses to obtain teacher qualification, missionary qualification, and Gakkai (academic rank) in the Hongwanji-ha (sub-sect) of Jodo Shinshu as well as other various courses to foster international evangelists.

2. In the social practice field, students can take training programs required for certification as interfaith chaplains, clinical listeners, spiritual care practitioners, etc.
In addition, students can take courses to become school teachers (advanced class certificate in “Religion”), museum curators, librarians, and other certification courses.