Recently, extreme weather events such as large typhoons, torrential rains, and record-breaking heat have occurred frequently in various parts of the world, causing enormous damage. Climate change that causes such natural disasters is assumed to an effect of greenhouse gases -- mainly carbon dioxide -- which are still being emitted.
It is believed that human activities are now having a great impact on the global environment. In our modern civilization, economic growth has been placed as a top priority and little attention has been paid to the relationships between things. There is an urgent need to build new values and civilizations, in light of the idea that Buddhism emphasizes such relationships. As a concrete initiative, we must all contribute to the realization of a” Carbon-Neutral Society”, -- net-zero greenhouse gases as a whole-- by collaborating with other principal actors.
Looking back on history, Ryukoku University has been seriously tackling this issue from its early days as an institution, whose founding spirit comprises the true teachings of Jodo Shinshu (Pure Land) Buddhism. Since 2013, we have been operating "Ryukoku Solar Park", a mega solar power plant. In addition to returning those profits to the local community, we have endeavored to promote renewable energy in Japanese society. Furthermore, we formulated a "Basic Eco-friendly Campus Policy" in 2020, through which we aimed to achieve a "Zero Carbon Campus".
We are currently promoting the "Ryukoku Strategic Plan 400", to be brought to fulfillment by the end of the2039 Academic Year, marking the 400th anniversary of our founding. In this strategic plan, we advocate to become a platform which contributes to world peace by creating new values.
Based on these philosophies and achievements, we recognize that we are positioned to play a leading role in the achievement of carbon neutrality. Therefore, in order to contribute to a sustainable society and world peace, we hereby issue “Ryukoku University’s Declaration of Carbon Neutrality” and pledge to take the following measures.
* The idea of aiming to bring out the vitality of the region while forming an independent and decentralized society by complementing and supporting each other's resources according to their characteristics while utilizing the resources of each region.
Takashi Irisawa, President
Ryukoku University
Ryukoku University Junior College
Date: January 27, 2022