Since 2005, we have implemented various initiatives, including reducing energy consumption, toward achieving an eco-friendly campus.
We will continue to aim to achieve a Zero Carbon Campus with net zero emissions of greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide.
Solar panels are installed on the roofs of buildings on each campus.
We use the BEMS to reduce air conditioning load, thereby implementing efficient energy management.
We use a gas CGS, which uses city gas as fuel to generate electricity and uses heat energy generated at the same time for air conditioning and other purposes, thereby working to save energy and electricity and meet peak power demand. The system is also used as BCP measures because it can continue supplying power to satisfy power demand load in the event of a power outage.
We work to reduce energy consumption by updating the lighting in each building to LED lighting and installing sensor lights in common areas where there are few users for long periods of time, such as stairs.
We work to improve energy efficiency by systematically updating old equipment and devices with low energy efficiency.
We take measures against global warming, such as measures to reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate the heat island effect, by greening the roof and walls of buildings.
Natural light is taken into a building to reduce the energy load on lighting.
We adopt double-glazed glass and heat ray reflecting glass to prevent the temperature from rising due to strong sunlight in summer and the heat inside a building from escaping to the outside in winter, thereby contributing to energy saving.
For consumables used on a daily basis, such as toilet paper, copy paper, toner and ink (for printers and rotary printing presses), we purchase recycled products and Eco Mark products as much as possible to reduce the burden on the environment.
We work to reduce the amount of waste and promote recycling by installing a large number of trash cans for recycling on each campus, and waste paper and document collection boxes in each department.
We strive to promote a paperless environment by introducing online meetings and lectures to reduce materials. In fiscal 2020, we introduced online meetings in earnest and were able to reduce paper consumption by about 50% compared to fiscal 2019.